Browser Extension – Guide

2025-03-21| Guide|views(139519)|Comments(7)

SellerSprite extension has updated to V4.7.4 and added a ton of useful features.


Key Updates:

🌟Product Research - Multi-Dimensional Insights 
View all products and their variations on the current page by product, brand, or seller. Easily analyze competitor matrices and brand strategies at a glance. 
🌟Keepa Alternative - Smarter Insights with AI 
The permanently free Keepa alternative just got an upgrade! Now featuring AI-powered data analysis—instantly generate optimization suggestions, making data easy to understand—even for beginners. 
🌟Competitor Lookup - Image Search for Faster Insights
Find competing products instantly! Use image search on the web or within the Amazon search bar via the extension to quickly match similar products. Combine with sales data for highly efficient product research. 
🌟Reviews Download - Fully Compatible, One-Click Solution
Now fully adapted to Amazon! Easily download reviews to uncover pain points from negative feedback and extract key selling points—no more worries about optimizing your Listing!



Recent Updates You May Have Missed:

👉 Store Analysis: Quickly analyze all ASINs in a store with one click. Gain comprehensive insights into store dynamics and operations.
👉 ASIN Change History: Track every modification in ASIN listings. Understand which changes yield positive results and which require further optimization.
👉 Profitability Calculator: Detailed profit breakdowns, including FBM calculations, to provide more options and insights for evaluating profitability.
👉 3D Display: Elevate product showcases with professional AYA3D modeling and rendering for an immersive shopping experience that boosts conversion rates.


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There are many cool features you can leverage SellerSprite chrome extension for amazon. We can divide these tools 4 different parts.
Leverage SellerSprite chrome extension on 1-amazon search page. Here we can analyze all products from different perspective. These features make everything clear and accessible for amazon sellers. Lest's analyze some tools.
Analyze: It can create market analysis report for all first 65 products when we search particular keyword. Here include how many sellers, brands, listings, each listing, brand and sellers market proportion and more
Keyword mining: By clicking here you can explore all related keywords and those keywords metrics such as Monthly search volume, ABA ranking, Conversion rate, click concentration etc..
Keyword Distribution: Here we can dive into keyword related metrics for all the ASINs who used this particular ASIN on their listing. Find out this particular keyword is Amazon choice, High rated, 4+ or sponsored brand keyword for any ASIN.
Bullet points: Download all products' bullet points with one click
Open all Listing Page: We are gonna open all listings on the next windows after you click it.
From the Line graph below sellers can find out main keyword search volume, ABA ranking, purchase rate and unite sold.


Note: You can disable and enable these tools which one you don't want to see, or you don't need it right now.
Now let's run 2. Chrome extension now and see analysis report. Here we analyze all the products on the first page of amazon and bring related datas such as Sales, revenue, launch date, review velocity, price etc..

Actually there are some tools would be helpful to analyze our competitors quickly. It is going to save a lot time.
For example:
-Select any ASIN and quickly Reverse, get all keywords and those keyword related metrics.
-Utilize Keyword mining so it is going to bring all related keyword what you searched on amazon
-Check any ASIN's Index for specific keyword
-Select and ad any ASIN from search result into My List to analyze later

Next couple of tools are vitally important for new users. It is the best for you guys to customize the features of SellerSprite chrome extension. We analyze and show a lot of datas but not everyone needed. You could customize and see frequently used one. How to do it? Click the customize and then remove any of metrics you don't want to see. 


After save and then you are gonna see what metrics you frequently use.

The other fantastic tools are on the bottom of extension. From here we can explore several of them. Such as:
-Select multiple ASIN and Reverse simultaneously
-Export specific or all products sales, revenue and all metrics.
-Select several product and compare their sales, reviews, BSR price and more for previous 2-3 years.
-Ad any product from here into your list


It is time to analyze chrome extension on the amazon search page under listings. We can say it is 3rd group of tools. There are 34 tools to explore each of these ASIN. You are one click away from to see every metrics. For instance: Can see PPC structure, compaignes and keywords of product by clicking Ads insight. Without opening this listing you can see sales, revenue, variation FBA fee etc..
Furthermore, can get info about keyword insight quickly, the tool here indicates particular as has how many organic and paid keywords.
From these group of extension (Alibaba, 1688, 1688 manufacturer) we can see product price in China and compare them.



Note: Here another vitally reminder for our user is that customize their Chrome extension. Save the feature that would you use daily. Otherwise we have more than 30 tools and they will make slow down your chrome to work.
Select and remove as the photo below indicate and customize features as you would need.



Last but not least we can dive into chrome extension of SellerSprite on the 4.product detail page. Set an example:
-Sellers can analyze historical sales graph,
-Quickly get access how many variations there are
-Can fully access all Keepa data sets
-Analyze which other marketplaces this particular ASIN exists ( CA, Italy, Spain, UK etc..). And more..



We have a unique tool AI Review Analysis, sellers can leverage this tool to explore any ASIN's reviews in just minutes.
Just click and enjoy report, so you don't need to read reviews days and weeks to find what problems out there and how you can develop this product. We will help you with chatGPT generated report and you can understand review insight in a few minutes. Click these magical buttons to acquire them.


We made all product specifications accessible for our users
This menu indicates product related metrics, like sizes, weight, category, sub-category, Q&A, variation and more. 


From these extension group we can download listings content. Such as:
-photos and videos
-bullet points
-review images
-all reviews etc..  



We talked about chrome extension for today. There are more than 200 extension features from SellerSprite you can leverage. Please let we know if you have any question and suggestion. We love your feedbacks.

Related Questions:
How can you make the SellerSprite Chrome extension run quicker?
Actually, in order to better serve our paying members who can use all functions, the extension will open all the features which will lead to a slow transition, so you can turn off some unnecessary functions after installing our extension.


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